This action-oriented crime drama revolves around two powerful gangs in Chennai, one led by Chinna (Prakash Raj) and the other by Periyavar (Raghuvaran). Enmity prevails between both gangs, with frequent clashes happening, as they try to overpower each other.
One day, when Periyavar’s gang tries to kill Chinna, he is saved by Shekhar (Vikram). Chinna meets Shekhar on a few more occasions and is impressed by his courage. Shekhar is a man of steel, physically and mentally, who had idolised Chinna in his childhood; he is similar to the character Bhima from the ancient Hindu epic Mahabharata. He challenges Periyavar’s group and puts Chinna on top.
The gangs are then targeted by the new police commissioner (Ashish Vidyarthi). Shekhar finally decides to leave the fight to settle down with his girlfriend Shalini (Trisha Krishnan), and although Chinna wants Shekhar to lead his own life, his gang members want him back. How will the future unfold for Chinna, Shekhar and Shalini? Will Shekhar succeed in leaving behind his violent past and begin a peaceful life with Shalini or will his past come back to haunt him?