This action-oriented drama revolves around Vikram, a fearless young man. When his best friend Sardar gets into trouble with the police and is forced to spend a prison term, he reaches out to Vikram for help.
Vikram naturally agrees to assist his friend and seeks out Ananda Rao, their enemy in order to warn him. Then, in an act of revenge, Vikram kidnaps Ananda Rao's daughter, Radha, a beautiful young woman, who trusts him as he impersonates a police officer.
Soon, they fall in love, but then she finds out that he is a goon. Nevertheless, she does not leave him but urges him to surrender. Transformed by true love, Vikram surrenders himself to the police and is imprisoned for two years.
Back home, Radha tells her brother Rambabu the whole truth. To keep Radha from getting married to somebody else, he calls his friend Tommy to put on a show that Radha and Tommy love each other. Tommy misunderstands the situation and actually falls in love with Radha.
At the completion of his prison term, Vikram starts working in a garage and tries to reform himself. Despite everything, Ananda Rao kicks him out of his life. After many days and events that follow, Rambabu finds out that Tommy is a smuggler.
After getting released from prison, Sardar desires revenge against both Ananda Rao and Vikram, so he kidnaps Radha, Ananda Rao and Rambabu. Vikram team up to rescue Radha. Will they succeed in their mission? Will Vikram finally convince Radha's father to bless his marriage with her?