This family-oriented social drama revolves around Madhusudhana Rao aka Chinnababu (Chiranjeevi), a talented sportsman, whose dream is to play football for India. He leads the carefree life with his family, and is the youngest son of Narasimham (J.V. Somayajulu), a sincere man, who makes his best effort to fulfil all his family's needs.
Despite his father's efforts to get him to stop playing football and spend his time concentrating on his studies and is working towards gaining lucrative employment, Chinnababu passionately goes after his dream. He's encouraged and supported in every way by Priyadarshani, his childhood sweetheart and neighbour.
At this critical juncture, the marriage of Chinnababu's younger sister is arranged by his father. With the entire burden of the tremendous expenditures for the marriage falling upon him, Chinnababu's father begins to feel the pressure, and requests his financially well-settled elder sons to pitch in. However, when they selfishly refuse to help in any way, his father is forced to try and sell their house, but Chinnababu has other ideas. What drastic measures will he employ to rescue his father?