This multi-layered romantic drama revolves around Raja, a bright youngster who belongs to the tribal community of Araku valley. He is very disciplined, hard-working and harbours the ambition of becoming a gold medallist, at his college in the city of Visakhapatnam. He hopes that he will become a role model for tribal children to realise the benefits of getting a good education.
While in college, he finds himself falling in love with Usha (Gajala), A beautiful young woman who just happens to be the daughter of a millionaire. Usha also begins to reciprocate his emotion, as she is impressed with his straightforward attitude and honesty.
However, due to a complex sequence of events, Usha is given the impression that Raja is the son of a businessman. Eventually, when the truth about Raja's background is revealed to Usha, she feels betrayed and heartbroken. Can Raja convince her that he's not a liar? Despite the upheaval, will he succeed in fulfilling his goal of becoming a gold medallist?