This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Saravanan, a talented young man, who dreams of becoming a movie director, but is forced to settle into the life of a taxi driver.
When Saravanan goes to Hyderabad, he meets Kannaiyan, an aspiring actor who has waited for 16 yeas for his time in the spotlight Kannaiyan plagiarizes Saravanan's script and pitches it to a producer, under the condition that he has to play the hero in the film. Impressed by the script, the producer agrees to the condition.
The movie turns Kannaiyan, now rechristened Dilipkanth, into a star. Saravanan does not give up and creates another story. However, he finds out that he can't make his film unless Dilipkanth plays the hero. This difficult truth leads them into minor problems which annoy Saravanan and their team.
Shooting starts with Dilipkanth as hero but is halted midway owing to various tantrums thrown by the new opportunistic hero. Determined to finish the movie, Saravanan seeks the help of his crew and friends in the cinema industry.
Unknown to Dilipkanth, Saravanan and crew manipulate him into situations that match the storyline of the movie they are shooting for and capture Dilipkanth's live reactions. They manage to fool Dilipkanth and finish shooting the climax of the film even as the self proclaimed new star makes a fool of himself.
A few days later, he is invited to watch the premiere of the movie and is shocked to see the recent events of his life unfold on the silver screen. He soon realizes the effort put in by Saravanan and crew and feels humbled. He genuinely acknowledges the talent of the director and leaves the place, apologising to Saravanan for his pathetic behaivour and agreeing that Saravanan is better than him in a very mannered way.