This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Anand Verma, a widower who lives with his child. He finds a young woman in a deeply injured state and admits her in the hospital. The doctor diagnoses the woman to be suffering from amnesia and recommends for her to live with him.
Forced by circumstance, Anand allows the young woman to be named Asha, after his late wife and takes her home. Anand is very uncomfortable because he knows that the young woman is not his wife in reality, but she remembers absolutely nothing about her past and is made to believe that she's actually Asha, Anand's wife. She showers love and affection on the child and becomes closely attached to both of them. Will she ever regain her memory? And if so, would she decide to leave Anand and the child and go back to her past life? How did she end up with the injuries that left her with amnesia in the first place?