Youthful and insightful, this socially relevant drama revolves around Edu Kondalu (Ravi Teja) an uneducated, head strong youth, who belongs to the pristine village of Bobbarlanka.
He and his village heads decide to close down the nearby factory by appealing to politicians as its letting out a lot of pollutants into the river which is the main source of food, water and livelihood for them.
He and another girl Manga Thaayaru (Aarti Agarwal) are sent to Hyderabad to appeal to MLA of their constituency - Byragi Naidu (Sayaji Shinde). They stay at a Friend's place (Ali's house) and try to get their work done by the minister. In the process many hurdles come across them. Edu Kondalu roughs up a few of the MLA's goons and is always at loggerheads with his henchmen.
After all this, Byragi Naidu begins to show his true colors and plans to butcher Edu Kondalu as he is forming as an obstruction to his underground activities, unknowingly. Then, Edu Kondalu decides to teach the MLA a lesson, get his job done of closing down the factory.
Swapna (Reema Sen) is a journalist who stays in Edu Kondalu's locality aand is deeply infatuated with him. She also helps him in pinning down the minister. What strategy will Edu Kondalu employ to expose the Minister's true colours and to ensure that he is successful in saving his village's environment.