This evocative romantic drama revolves around Vasu (Venkatesh) a college graduate, who chooses to make a living by doing things his passionate about like running a college canteen and teaching music at his own music school for seven years. His father (Vijay Kumar) is an IPS officer and he wants Vasu to appear for Civil Services examinations to embark on a career in law enforcement. But Vasu has different plans for his future. He dreams of becoming a musician and a singer.
One fine day a young IPS officer comes to Vasu's places to seek the blessings of Vasu's father. He admits that Vasu's father is the source of inspiration for him to become an IPS officer. Vasu's father dejected that his son does not heed his advice of giving civils exams, feels bad about his son.
Meanwhile, Vasu spots a beautiful girl Divya (Bhoomika Chawla) on the street. He plays every possible trick to woo her. But all his plans backfire on him and make him seem like a fool in the eyes of Divya.
At a critical juncture, Vasu's father witnesses him getting into a violent confrontation with some local goons and throws him out of the house. Divya comes down to Vasu's place along with her luggage when Vasu was about to leave the house.
Later on, Vasu comes to know that Divya is the daughter of Vasu's father's childhood friend. Vasu sees this as an opportunity to get close to Divya. He returns home and promises that he won't touch music again and would concentrate only on his studies. But Vasu secretly pursues his dream of having a successful career in music.
Vasu passes the preliminary auditions of Music Talent search conducted by Sony Music Company. When Vasu's father spots the letter from Sony, he argues with his son and asks him to either be there in house and study for IPS or leave home to pursue his dream of becoming a musician. Divya falls in love with Vasu and vice versa. But they never express their feelings towards each other.
Vasu's sister loves the brother of Divya and it's approved of by the parents of both parties. It is also revealed that Divya already agreed to marry a man named Manohar by looking at his photograph, long before she had met Vasu.
On the day of his big performance, Vasu is on the stage to prove himself as a singer and musician in the final auditions of Sony Talent Search. Divya is getting married to Manohar on the same day. Vasu's sister is also getting married to Divya's brother. Vasu wins the prize at the audition and sits in a park mourning about losing Divya.
Then his father and sister come and meet him and his father apologizes about his thinking on Vasu's career. Then it is revealed that Divya didn't marry that day along with Vasu's sister as she loved Vasu. In the end, the lovers unite and the marriages of the 2 couples are planned to be held on another day.