This fast-paced crime drama revolves around ACP Vijay (Ram Charan), who is a brutally honest police officer. He has been transferred yet again by the system for chasing the corrupt underworld goons. He is continuously disturbed by the killing of his parents years back. He keeps remembering a man in a black raincoat on a white horse and with a tattoo on his right arm killing his parents on Vijay's birthday for filing a case.
Vijay has been brought up by his uncle and is always absent on his birthdays. He is in charge of a case where the district collector has been murdered and burned to death. The key eye witness Mala (Priyanka Chopra) has seen the murder by Teja's (Prakash Raj) Gang and refuses to co-operate. Teja is the head of an oil mafia operation and doesn't want Mala alive. Will Vijay succeed in protecting Mala's life from the powerful and influential Teja? Will he ever be able to find his parents' killer and exact revenge upon him?