Embedded with quirky comedy and youthful romance, this contemporary relationship drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Thirukumaran (Dhanush), a carefree and confident young man. He is well loved by his friends and is always surrounded by his close gang (Karunas, Sukumar and others).
Everyone is ecstatic when he falls in love with Priya (Shriya Saran) and she also seems to reciprocate the emotion. However, the trouble arises in the form of Priya's brother, Guru (Prakash Raj) who is an extremely successful and wealthy businessmen.
There is an immediate ego tussle between Thirukumaran and Guru, who violently opposes their relationship. The crux of the tale depicts the dangerous game of cat and mouse between the two men in Priya's life. Will Thirukumaran succeed in convincing Guru of his true love for Priya?