This multi-layered social drama revolves around Sridevi, a woman with a difficult background, who has overcome many obstacles in life to become the English teacher in a prestigious school. Sunil is a mischievous student in the school, while Warrier is a kind, veteran teacher. Ravi is the music teacher in the school.
The principle of the high school is a strict disciplinarian and wishes to expel Sunil due to his trouble-making, attention-seeking behaviour. However, when Mr Menon, Sunil's father pleads with them, Sridevi accepts responsibility for Sunil. Why is Sunil behaving in such a violent and destructive manner? Can Sridevi succeed in transforming him with her love and care?
With all the men in the school, the principal, Ravi, Mr Menon, all growing fond of Sridevi, how will her love life unfold? How will her special relationship with Sunil affect her future?