Fast-paced and funny, this dramatic tale revolves around Sivaji, a sincere and straightforward man who arrives in Mumbai with dreams of travelling to the USA in order to earn quick cash. His family is in dire financial straits and he desperately needs money to relieve their burden.
However, he ends up losing his bag and with it all hopes of going abroad, almost as soon as he arrives in the city of dreams. He is shattered by the loss, but luckily meets with an old friend, Kuppiganthula Ramesh who forces him to become involved in many illegal and immoral activities, including a bank robbery.
Unfortunately for them, a complex sequence of events leads to the stolen money getting locked up. As a consequence, Sivaji and Ramesh are left with no other choice but to go into hiding.
The opportunists happen upon a wealthy couple, who have lost their eyesight, son and daughter-in-law in a terrible accident. The blind couple are desperate to meet Bujji, their grandson who has been studying in the USA for the last decade.
Through a comedy of errors, they begin to pose as Bujji, with the blind couple identifying Ramesh's body and Sivaji's voice to be Bujji. Ramesh and Sivaji begin making attempts to steal the old couple's wealth and escape, but a stranger arrives from the USA claiming to be Bujji's girlfriend. Will the betrayal of Ramesh and Sivaji be exposed to the old couple? How will the future unfold for the con-men?