This action-oriented drama revolves around the trials and triumphs in the lives of four youngsters: Surya (Nikhil Siddharth), Bhanu (Pooja Ramachandran), Ravi (Sathya) and Swati (Swati Reddy). While Surya, Bhanu, Ravi are small-time thieves who rob people together, Swati is a journalist, whose parents are way for a short duration, on a visit to the USA. Their lives become intertwined when Surya steals Swati's vehicle and becomes friendly with her based on some clever lies.
However, their simple lives are turned upside down when an invaluable idol of Lord Ganesha, that has been stolen from a temple, gets placed in Swati's handbag by fateful circumstances. The crux of the movie follows how they are targeted by criminal elements wishing to get their hands on the Idol, and how good wins over greed in the end.