This fast-paced action drama revolves around Surya, a laid-back young man who is forced to join the police academy by his grandfather. Sirisha, his quarrelsome but caring friend, joins him for the rigourous training period at the academy and tries her best to keep the playful Surya in check.
However, when his grandfather reveals the dark secret of his family's past, that his own father Jagadeswara Rao killed his mother in order to marry a woman from a powerful family so as to fulfil his political ambition. Surya becomes serious about his police training and vows to avenge his mother's death.
Meanwhile, Rajeswara Rao (Charu Hassan) Sirisha's father dares to contest an election against Jagadeswara Rao, it leads him to brutally kill Rajeswara Rao. He doesn't stop there but decides to execute his entire family. Can Surya protect Sirisha and exact revenge upon his father?