This youthful relationship drama revolves around Venkateswarlu (Venkatesh), who arrives in the junior college he graduated from, and is given a job as a lecturer in the Telugu Department.
As the new teacher, he becomes the target of the students, led by a mischievous prankster, Roja who repeatedly teases him. Venkateswarlu is frustrated and annoyed by Roja's indiscipline and provocative behaviour, and clearly expresses his dislike, but she goes on provoking him.
Venkateswarlu's classmate Thukaram, who continues to be a student at the college, writes a fake love letter in Roja's name and leaves it at Venkateswarlu's desk. Venkateswarlu warns Roja against such actions, but in a complex sequence of events, the misunderstanding grows and Roja really falls in love with him. Roja sobers up, but her friends continue the mischief and Venkateswarlu ends up filing a complaint against her to the principal, who has Roja suspended for no fault of her own.
Later, Venkateswarlu learns the truth about Roja's innocence and apologises to her, but she insists that since both their reputations have been tarnished, they should put an end to all the gossip by getting married. Roja pursues him earnestly, but Venkateswarlu quietly rejects her and remains aloof. In an act of desperation, Roja discontinues her education and returns with a proposal of marriage, saying that she is no more his student, so Venkateswarlu did not have any reason to object to marrying her. When he remains resolute in his rejection, Roja becomes his neighbour and continues her efforts to convince him. Unable to bear her torture, Venkateswarlu takes a bold decision and marries Nanchari, a young orphan, shattering Roja's heart. Roja generously helps mould the young orphan and transforms her into a sophisticated young woman, and the young women become good friends. When Venkateswarlu objects to his wife's friendship with however, Roja begins to stay away, but when her parents die suddenly in an accident, Nanchari brings her into their home to stay.
Roja continues to try to possess Venkateswarlu but when Nanchari does not protest, he questions his wife and finds out that Roja is dying of terminal cancer. Is own wife convinces him to marry Roja and fulfil her final wish, but before he can do so, Roja passes away, promising to be reborn as their child.