This multi-layered relationship drama revolves revolves Naidu (Kaikala Satyanarayana), a renowned exponent of classical Carnatic music, whose son tragically dies in a vehicular accident. Despite being shattered by the loss, Naidu finds it within himself to adopt three orphaned children from the streets and gives them the treasure of his great knowledge in music. His dream is to start a Music Academy to keep the great tradition of Carnatic music alive in India.
His elder son Narayana Murthy (played by Rajasekhar) learns the art from him and gains a great reputation around the world. However, he succumbs to the temptation of fame and fortune and begins to get addicted to worldly pleasures.
With all three of his adoptive sons falling prey to the luxuries of a lavish lifestyle, Naidu's dream of building the Music Academy hangs in the balance. At this critical juncture Seetha, Narayana Murthy's wife takes it upon herself to fulfill her father-in-law's dream.
She instils in her son discipline and dedication and transforms him into a great musician and dancer. Then, returning to the city, she keeps their real identities hidden and ensures that her son becomes the trusted disciple and aide of her husband and brothers-in-law. Slowly but surely, Seetha brings all three of Naidu's sons back on track and makes them realise the error of their ways. They repent for their sins, return to their roots to start afresh and begin working together to establish the Music Academy as per their father's wishes. The entire family comes together in happiness and harmony.