This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Srinivas (Venkatesh) an educated young man, who is struggling due to unemployment. He and his younger sister, Lakshmi lost their parents at a young age and live with their alcoholic uncle, Nagayah (Suthi Velu) who squanders all their money and goes to the extent of selling them as well.
Nagayah's daughter, Saroja (Gouthami) rescues them from a dangerous situation but stays back with her father. The youngsters are adopted by a kind couple and taken to the city.
Even as a youngster, Srinivas works hard to earn a livelihood, doing odd jobs like a newspaper delivery boy, auto driver and eventually starts to dance school, where he meets the beautiful Lalitha, who begins working for him.
Meanwhile, Srinivas's cousin Saroja becomes a tenant in his house under the alias Swapna, without knowing his identity. When she comes to know of his real identity, she once more falls in love with him. The beautiful Lalitha is targeted by Bokka Lambodharam (Mohan Babu), an exceptionally wealthy but evil man.
In order to protect her, Srinivas brings her home and expresses the desire to marry her. The heartbroken Swapna is forced to sacrifice her love. How will this unique love triangle? Will Srinivas succeed in keeping both the women in his life safe from the clutches of Bokka Lambodharam?