This suspenseful crime thriller revolves around Lakshmi Krishna Devaraya a.k.a. LK (Srihari), a famous advocate, always fights on behalf of criminals and helps them win their cases. However, LK believes that he is the envoy of God and implements vigilante justice after the court acquits them, by killing the accused in the name of cosmic justice.
His sister (Suhasini) always encourages him in every case. The true reason behind his transformation into a vigilante is because LK's parents were forced to commit suicide after Justice was denied to them during their daughter's rape case.
Sri Mahalakshmi (Shamna), an MBBS student, is the daughter of a teacher Sambamurthy (Sri Tilakan). She is killed by some nine NRI girls. Their parents meet LK and urge him to save their children who had been falsely accused in a murder case. LK investigates the case thoroughly and gets the girls acquitted. he identifies the real culprits Sri Mahalakshmi's death to be the hostel matron Olga Rose Mary (Sana), medical college principal Bhogendra Bhalla and public prosecutor Janardhan (Sayaji Shinde). How will LK bring them to justice?