This tale of friendship and love revolves around the close relationship between three childhood friends Aravind (Nagarjuna Akkineni), Chandru (Sumanth) and Krishna Murthy (Sudhakar). Chandru and Krishna Murthy are orphans, who are generously brought up by Aravind's parents.
By the time they reach their 20's, Aravind's sister Amrita (Pratyusha) falls in love with Chandru. Chandru hesitates to express his emotion, as he does not wish to betray the trust Aravind and his parents have placed in him and consequently tries to avoid Amrita altogether.
Aravind and Chandru travel to Hyderabad, to work along with Krishna Murthy as the trio are hired for a prestigious restoration project of a palatial building. A complex sequence of events unfold and result in Aravind falling in love with Padmini, a beautiful young woman who is on the verge of becoming engaged to another man. Did Padmini betray him or was someone else responsible for feeding Aravind with wrong information?
Then, a tragic accident results in the death of Chandru's brother, but a cruel insinuation is made that Aravind intentionally killed him. How will these allegations and other events affect the friendship between Aravind, Chandru and Krishna Murthy? How will their respective futures unfold?