This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Hyma (Jayapradha), a mute girl who is passionate about dancing. She is ill-treated by her stepmother (Ramaprabha), who deepest desire is to make her own daughter Savithri (Kavitha) act in movies and become a famous heroine. Sambayya (Chandramohan), an orphan is deeply in love with Hyma, and saves her from being cheated by her vile stepmother and her nephew, Badram (Devadas Kanakala).
Sambayya takes Hyma to the city after her father's (Satyanarayana) death, where he is inflicted by TB. Once Hyma gets to know, she earns money by dancing at a Kalakshetra. Sambayya wants her to marry the organizer Ram Babu, but Hyma's heart beats only for her loyal companion Sambayya. Savithri acts in a movie and gets shunned by all, and Hyma forgives all their past crimes against her and takes care of them. Will Hyma and Sambayya finally unite in the holy bond of matrimony? Will harmony and happiness be restored in Hyma's family?