This upbeat romantic drama revolves around Sandhya (Kajal), a beautiful young woman from a wealthy family, who happens to meet Kartik (Ravi Teja) on the sands of the Mediterranean Sea, while she is on the verge of leaving for India after completing her studies. The result is love at first sight, at least for her. All her efforts to woo him fail and she finally begs him to consider her feelings while both are on their way to India.
Cornered, Kartik weaves a tale about being married, and on the verge of divorcing his wife due to 'incompatibility issues'. Sandhya admits that if she were to marry him, she would have adjusted with him all the way. But, unable to convince Kartik, Sandhya gets ready to get married to her relative Gautham (Nara Rohit).
It is at this critical juncture that Kartik reveals that everything he had told her was a lie, and that he is single and available. What happens next, forms the crux of the story.