This family-oriented relationship drama revolves around four brothers Raghavendra (Venkatesh), Vishnu (Srikanth), Chinna (Siva Balaji) and Vamsi (Sharwanand).
Raghavendra and Padma (Arti Agarwal) fall in love and they are relatives as well. They become engaged with the consent of their parents. But Raghavendra's family loses everything they have due to certain incidents.
Padma's parents reject Raghavendra on the basis of poverty. Raghavendra decides that he should work hard in order to quickly accumulate wealth, buy a house and have all comforts before marriage. He achieves his target. Then he marries a good-hearted and responsible girl, Anjali (Sneha).
Later, they settle Vishnu's match with Padma's sister Kalyani (Sangeeta). Vishnu's wife is a woman of jealous nature and short temper. Due to her jealous behavior, there are certain problems. Will therefore brothers succeed in staying united despite the complications caused by their respective life partners?