Fast-paced and fiery, this thrilling crime drama revolves around Kalyan, an exceptionally wealthy industrialist with fearless and uncompromising integrity. When he begins to interfere with the corrupt and criminal activities of others, they seek to destroy him.
They find a perfect opportunity in Johnny, a down-on-his-luck auto-rickshaw driver from Mumbai, who is willing to do anything for quick cash. As it turns out that Johnny bears a striking resemblance to Kalyan, he's hired to impersonate him.
Kalyan's enemies used Johnny to frame him for murder of his trusted employee and succeed in their mission. However, Johnny's conscience attacks him and he feels remorseful for destroying the life of a good man. He connects with Kalyan and confesses his sins. They decide to team up, switch places and exact revenge on their enemies. Will they reach their goal unscathed?