This fast-paced romantic thriller revolves around a troubled LIC agent, who is in dire need of cash, to pay for his dying mother's hospital treatment. Desperate to sell as many insurance policies as possible to gain some money, he meets five westernised and sophisticated women, who playfully rag him, forcing the naive man to drink alcohol and smoke a cigarette.
However, their casual misdemeanour becomes a disaster as his state of intoxication causes him to slip and hurt his head in the fall. The women panic, assume his unconscious condition to mean death and decide to get rid of the dead body. They pack him into a suitcase and throw it down from a steep cliff.
Fatefully, the man survives the fall and decides to make it his life's mission to avenge the injustices committed against him by killing each of the five women. Unbeknownst to the five women, they become targets of a predator who is intent on destroying their lives, just like they destroyed his. How will the future unfold for them?