Evocative and eloquent, this multi-layered family drama revolves around Raja, a sincere and hard-working man, who spends most of his salary on his family. He loves his mother and younger siblings, Lakshmi and Babu. Raja is in love with Rani, a beautiful young woman, who is the daughter of a wealthy judge.
Raja is given a lift during a rainy evening by Gajapati Verma, a man of exceptional wealth. Unbeknownst to all, his younger brother, Bhupathi Verma makes attempts to kill him, so that he can get control over the family's wealth.
When Gajapati Verma disappears soon after meeting with Raja, the police begin to suspect him of murdering him. Is Raja really a murderer? Will he be able to unravel what really happened to Gajapati Verma and bring the true culprits to justice?