This action-oriented family drama revolves around Prudhvi (Sri Hari), a sincere police officer. His family consists of a doting mother (Lakshmi) and dutiful wife (Vijaya Lakshmi). As part of his work, he gets transferred to Cherukuru, a notorious village where a landlord called Rayudu (Ranganath) runs a parallel government. Rayudu is none other than Prudhvi's biological father. Prudhvi's mother leaves Rayudu and stays along with her son, while Rayudu is married to another woman (Siva Parvathy).
During the auction of liquor (arrack) shops, Narayana (Sri Hari), who bears a remarkable resemblance to Prudhvi, makes a surprise entry. He bids for the arrack shops at highest price and procures them. Baffled by the presence of his lookalike Prudhvi questions her mother if he had any twin. Then she says that he used to have a twin, but he was killed 26 years back. What really happened 26 years ago? What's Narayana's objective in life? Why did he appear suddenly from nowhere?