This soulful romantic drama revolves around Sandhya, a soft-natured young woman, who lives with her parents and younger sister, Sireesha.
Ganesh is a carefree college student, who spends his time helping those in need, much to his father's ire. One day, he happens upon a red diary in his father's auction shop and begins reading it. The diary contains Sandhya's deeply personal expression of her own story.
As Ganesh begins reading, Sandhya narrates the story about how she became friends with Aishwarya, a neighbour and how she fell in love with Ganesh, Aishwarya's brother after becoming deeply impressed by his skills at playing the guitar. However, Ganesh knows nothing about her feelings and does not interact with her in any way.
At this critical juncture, Sireesha, Sandhya's younger sister who has been living in a hostel to pursue her studies, returns home. She comes to know about Sandhya's secret love, becomes jealous and decides to work towards winning over Ganesh's love for herself. Sireesha deceives Sandhya by telling her that she would speak to Ganesh on her behalf. However, she proposes to him instead and gets rejected, while Sandhya watches the entire episode secretly. Sandhya decides to refrain from confronting her younger sister for her betrayal and also stays away from Ganesh.
Sandhya and her family relocate to another city due to her father's transfer. It is during this transfer that Sandhya ends up losing her precious diary, which then makes its way to Ganesh.
After reading about Sandhya's heartbreak, for which Ganesh was unwittingly responsible, he decides to make amends and goes in search of her. Will he be able to find Sandhya and express his love before she is forced to marry another? Will Sireesha realise the error of her ways and take restorative action?