Interspersed with humour, this youthful romantic drama revolves around Veeru (Navdeep), a shy young man from a wealthy family. While his family tries to arrange for his marriage with Pavani (Poonam Bajwa), a beautiful young woman from the same socio-economic background, Veeru finds himself deeply attracted to Liz, who is from a Christian family.
Veeru is unable to express his desire to Liz or to his own family, so, he is forced to meet Pavani, who as it turns out, is also not interested in marriage. They decide to outsmart their families, and although their plan ends up causing conflict, a strong and true friendship is forged between them.
Pavani eventually helps Veeru develop the courage to propose to Liz. Initially, his family opposes the match due to religious differences, but eventually decide to agree for the sake of Veeru's happiness. Will Veeru happily marry Liz or will he realise that his feelings for Pavani are much more than friendship after all?