This upbeat drama revolves around Murali (Venkatesh), a city-bred man who travels along with his friends to a village, to attend a friend's wedding ceremony. There Murali meets Shailu (Preity Zinta), a vivacious young woman, who is the bridegroom's friend. They begin to have fun and join in with the festivities and Murali is captivated by her attitude and beauty. Soon both fall in love but then Murali learns that she is already engaged to be married to a police officer Muralidhar (Srihari).
Murali puts on a brave face for the ceremony but hopes that something or someone will be able to stop the ceremony. He does everything he can to stop the marriage, he even tries to convince Shailu's joint family. Finally, his perseverance pays off and gains approval from her family's elders for their marriage.