Evocative and eloquent, this family-oriented relationship drama delves into the twists and turns in the lives of a family led by Bheemasena Rao (SV Rangarao), a dignified and respectful man. While his son works in the military, his daughter Rukmini (Jamuna) takes care of the home.
With the help of a close relative and friend Salahala Rao (Ramana Reddy), Rukmini's wedding is mixed with Krishna Rao. They enter into a happy wedded life, move into town and have four children together, in the next seven years.
However, Krishna Rao begins to get attracted to other women. He tries to get involved with Radha Rani (Rajasulochana), and goes to her house in his wife's absence.
When she comes to know of his indiscretion, Rukmini an accent elaborate drama to make her husband realise the error of his ways. Will see succeed in holding her marriage together? Will Krishna Rao change his ways?