This multi-layered family drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the lives of a family that relocates from Karimangalam an interior village to the big city. The family comprises of a mother along with four sons and a daughter. Murugan is the eldest son. He's very conscientious and responsible. The second son Saravanan is brave but impulsive. The next is Kumaran, the most educated and wise amongst them. Dandapani, the youngest son is kind-hearted but naive. The youngest member of the family is Thangam, a vivacious and bold young woman.
Once in the city, they try to locate a man from their village, who had encouraged them to move to the city in order to find better work and a comfortable life. However, they are unable to find him and take the help of Uma, a sophisticated and employed young woman to rent a small house. With no resources or knowledge of the lifestyles of city-dwellers, how will the family survive? How will they adapt to their new environment? Will their dreams and ambitions come true?