Powerful and poignant, this multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Madhu (Chiranjeevi), a talented painter, who falls into a deep depression and becomes an alcoholic, after his beloved wife passes away in a tragic accident immediately after their marriage.
His lonely and aimless existence finds meaning when a deaf-mute child enters into his life after a complex sequence of events. He names the young boy Raja and begins taking care of him. However, he is unable to break his addiction to alcohol.
It turns out that Raja's birth parents were murdered in cold blood by Venu (Raghuvaran), a cold-hearted criminal and his assistant, and the young Raja traumatised as he was witness to the crime. On the other hand, the killers intend to eliminate the only eye witness to their crime.
While on a shopping trip, the young Raja accidentally breaks a gift purchased by a beautiful young woman, Geeta (Vijayashanti), who picks a fight with Madhu as she assumes Raja to be his son. Realising her mistake later on, she comes to Madhu's home to apologise to him. They slowly become friends and eventually fall in love. Geeta also finds out that Raja is none other than her sister's son and that her sister and brother-in-law were murdered in cold blood.
Initially, the police arrest Madhu under the suspicion of kidnapping Raja after murdering his parents, but soon they realise their error and set him free. As Venu and his assistant keep attempting to murder Raja, it is now up to Madhu to protect his life. Can he do so in his constantly inebriated condition?