This contemporary comedy revolves around Nani (Allari Naresh) and Bujji (Shashank), two college students who are also the best of friends. They get into trouble with a local don (Surya) and need to pay him a crore of rupees to get out of the situation.
Meanwhile a software firm (named Underware Hardware and Software Company!) headed by Dr. Rajendra Prasad (Brahmanandam) is facing a hostile takeover by another firm. Rajendra Prasad must build the world’s fastest supercomputer in time to halt the takeover. But the rival firm sabotages his invention. Rajendra Prasad had no option but to sell his company to his rival, but decides not to and explores more options.
At this critical juncture, Nani and Bujji worm their way into Rajendra Prasad’s company promising to give him the technology for a talking computer (named Bujji Babu 007) that would bring him the much needed millions. But Rajendra Prasad is assassinated while in their company.
Fearing that fingers would point to them, they hide his body. A look alike takes Rajendra Prasad’s place and tries to sell the company as quickly as possible so that he would get the interest of ₹20 crores. Rajendra Prasad’s daughter Madhu (Madhu Sharma), meanwhile, falls in love with Nani.
What follows is a series of anecdotes that lead to the unraveling of the mystery of the killer of the original Rajendra Prasad and preventing the rival company Wonderware from taking over Underware thus keeping to the wish of the original Rajendra Prasad. Who killed the real Rajendra Prasad and why? Who are the insiders who have been working to sabotage the work of the company? Will the employees succeed in fulfilling Rajender Prasad's last wish, which was to prevent takeover of his company by their rivals?