Youthful and upbeat, this socially relevant drama revolves around two young men Anantha (Shrunga) and Karan (Shravanth), who travel to Singripete, an interior village where the archaic Devadasi system still prevails.
Arun alias Kanti Subba Reddy (Arun Sagar) lures them with promises of luxurious treatment. While Anantha gets together with Shwetha (Janhavi), Karan finds his match in Urmila, (Shubha Poonja), a TV actress. They escape from the place with their girlfriends, along with Peede Obaih (Bullet Prakash) and head towards Bangalore.
On the way, they happen upon a bar and find a person sleeping on a table littered with beer bottle and snacks. The story takes a curious turn when they find that the person is dead. Samanth (Sharath Lohithashwa), a police inspector, who follows them, thinks that the dead person is alive and asks them to carry him with them.
The rest is full of hilarious sequences with the five trying to dispose of the body. In another development, Vishwanath (Rangayana Raghu), Anantha's father, lands himself in Singripete desperately seeking his missing son. He finds a good companion and settles there. The rest is how the boys get rid of the body and how Vishwanath is caught in a dilemma when his son lands in Singripete.