This socially relevant drama revolves around Anamika, a post-graduate student, who travels to the Javadi Hills, along with her friends, to make a study on the tribals who live there. During her stay, she befriends a tribal girl named Gangamma.
Upon returning home, she wishes to do something for uplifting the lives of the people. She is encouraged in this regard by her father, and Agni, a journalist. After a while, Anamika goes to Javadi Hills and gets to know that Gangamma is dead. She comes to know that Gangamma killed herself after being raped. A frustrated Anamika sets out to inquire the local people. In the process, she is accompanied by a police officer named Muthuvel. Further inquiry reveals Gangamma was raped by Dhanapal, son of an influential minister Malaiyappar.
Anamika gathers some evidence against Dhanapal and goes to the city and approaches Agni and other journalists to publish the news. When the news get published, Malaiyappar is asked to step down by the chief minister. However, Malaiayappar refuses to resign and further blackmails the chief minister of another issue.
The case against Dhanapal becomes weak and Muthuvel gets transferred to another city. Anamika and her father are arrested under the National Protection Act for disturbing peace and security in the locality. Muthuvel resigns his job and joins Anamika in her struggle to seek justice for Gangamma. How will the investigation proceed? Will Anamika succeed in getting justice for Gangamma?