This evocative family-oriented romantic drama revolves around Swapna, a beautiful and submissive young woman, who has lived her life under the dominance of her strict father. Her father has very conservative ideas and is averse to the very word 'love'.
Swapna is sent to Vizag city to complete her graduate studies. There she encounters Balu (Taaraka Rathnaa), a happy-go-lucky young man with a heart of gold. Although she develops a soft-corner for him, she resists the idea of love as per the promise she has made to her parents.
Her father arranges a suitable bridegroom of his choice for her to marry and sends her the photograph of her fiance. Some of Balu's well-meaning friends switch the fiance's photograph with Balu's photo, without his knowledge.
Swapna thanks her stars for choosing Balu as her life partner and slowly begins falling in love with him. How will her future unravel when her father learns of the truth? Will Swapna and Balu succeed in uniting in the holy bond of matrimony?