This romantic drama revolves around Ravi (Ravi Teja), a successful and capable young man, who runs his father's textile franchise in Mumbai. He meets a beautiful young woman, Preethi who is completing her college education in Mumbai and the both of them fall in love.
Preethi's father (Tanikella Bharani) is the Commissioner of Police in Hyderabad. And he strongly hates love marriages because his elder daughter set herself afire when her love marriage failed.
Ravi and Preethi return to Hyderabad. They hire a marriage broker, Sachin and send photos of themselves to each other's parents through him. Their parents agreed to arrange a marriage between Preethi and Ravi. Just when everything seems to be going well, Preethi's father gets to know about his daughter's prior love affair with Ravi. How will he react? Will they succeed in convincing him that they are perfectly suited for each other?