This youthful romantic drama revolves around Radhakrishnan, a happy-go-lucky young man from a wealthy family. He is forever bickering with his best friend, Krishnaveni but the youngsters are inseparable all the same.
Their fathers are good friends and business partners. As their families get along splendidly well their parents ask them if they would like to get married, but both of them deny any attraction or romantic attachment.
Taking their children at their word, Radhakrishnan's parents arrange for his marriage with a suitable bride. However, Krishnaveni finds herself becoming exceedingly jealous and possessive. By the time they finally realise that they are indeed in love with each other, their families end up in trouble due to losses in business. Who is responsible for their crumbling business? Will Radhakrishnan be forced to sacrifice his love for the sake of his family's welfare?