This family-oriented relationship drama revolves around Rao, a highly respected village businessman, who loves his younger sister Vani. He supports her in every way, and ensures that she is able to get a good college education in the city. At college, Vani falls in love with Ravi.
When Rao travels to the city to visit Vani he witnesses an accident in which an older man, Kondala Rao gets injured in a road accident. Rao assists him and takes him home. There he meets with Sridevi, a respected judge who gets harassed by a moneylender.
Kondala Rao is an impoverished man, who has taken loans and made many sacrifices to ensure that his daughter, Sridevi becomes well educated. Although they have respect and admiration from everyone in the community, they are in dire financial straits. Rao helps them out. How will his relationship with Sridevi evolve? What will happen to the love story between Vani and Ravi? Will Rao's honesty and goodness win over the numerous challenges in his life?