Embedded with laughs, this upbeat romantic drama follows the trials and triumphs in the life of Arjun (Amitabh Bachchan), who is brought up by his Daddu (paternal grandfather) (Om Prakash). His Daddu decides for him to go to the city in search of a new job and life. While in the city he meets up with Bhairon (Ram Sethi), who guides him into an interview in a 5-star hotel owned by Raja (Shashi Kapoor).
While in the hotel, Arjun meets Poonam (Smita Patil) and falls in love with her. During this time, many attempts are made to kill Raja by Girdhar Singh (Satyendra Kapoor) and his son (Ranjeet).
The blame for these murders falls on Raja's mother (Waheeda Rehman), who is actually Arjun's mother. Realising all this Arjun takes an oath, no matter what happens, he will not let any harm come to Raja. As these attempts are being made, can Arjun thwart them all?
Did you know? Shashi Kapoor's clothes for the film were deigned by his wife Jennifer Kendal. She was advised to provide clothes for a 25 year old Kapoor (he was 44 years old during filming). Read More
Raj Babbar was originally signed for Shashi Kapoor's role but was eventually dropped from the film.
The "I can talk English scene" was largely improvised. It was shot with director Prakash Mehra outside the room, a condition Amitabh Bachchan set as he would otherwise start laughing.
Shashi Kapoor plays a subtle role in the film unlike most of his movies with Amitabh Bachchan where he plays a loudmouth.
Shashi Kapoor's clothes for the film were deigned by his wife Jennifer Kendal. She was advised to provide clothes for a 25 year old Kapoor (he was 44 years old during filming).
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