The narrative delves into the life of the renowned superstar, David Padikkal. While David's talent shines bright on the silver screen, a pivotal moment arrives when he is compelled to embark on a journey of self-discovery, peeling away the layers of stardom to uncover the essence of his true character lying beneath the glittering facade.
Did you know? For three years, the team embarked on an exhilarating adventure, capturing footage across 30 distinct locations. From the vibrant streets of Dubai and bustling markets of Hyderabad to the serene beauty of Kashmir, Munnar's rolling hills, and the vibrant cityscape of Kochi, their journey spanned six months, brimming with over 100 days of mesmerizing experiences. Read More
Tovino Thomas plays the role of a superstar named David Padikkal in the film.
For three years, the team embarked on an exhilarating adventure, capturing footage across 30 distinct locations. From the vibrant streets of Dubai and bustling markets of Hyderabad to the serene beauty of Kashmir, Munnar's rolling hills, and the vibrant cityscape of Kochi, their journey spanned six months, brimming with over 100 days of mesmerizing experiences.
The film "Nadikar," featuring Tovino Thomas in the lead role, boasts a stellar cast that includes acclaimed talents like Soubin Shahir and Bhavana Menon.
In an exclusive conversation with Hindustan Times, Tovino Thomas expressed his desire to embrace unpredictability and experimentation as an actor.
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