This masterfully crafted drama delves into the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Lachi, a hard-working 19-year-old who supports her family after her father's mysterious death. While she was traveling on a train, Mulla (Dileep) and his gang enter. They argue over silly issues, and he discovers a baby in a bag on the train. They try to find the baby's parents but fail. Mulla decides to adopt the child, and slowly Mulla and Lachi become lovers.
CI Bharathan (Saiju Kurup), who murdered Lachi's father and the baby's parents, wants to break up the two to keep his secrets. Finally, Mulla and Bharathan get into a fight, and Mulla kills Bharathan. However, Lachi tells the police that she committed the murder and goes to prison.
After five years, when she returns, she finds that Mulla has lost one leg in a fight, between the colony residents and the police. The colony residents had started a new business, and they all are having a good life now. Will Lachi and Mulla finally unite and have a happy life together?
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