This thrilling drama revolves around an intelligent and talented young man, Bharath (Rajinikanth). He grows up with his mother Shanthi (Sharada) without any knowledge of his father's identity. However, while on her death bed Shanthi reveals her background so that Bharath can learn about his father's betrayal.
Gopinath (Sathyaraj) is a wealthy young man, who comes to Shanthi's village for some construction work. Infatuated with her innocence and beauty, he entraps her in a web of trust and love, then uses and discards her, leaving her pregnant and abandoned. When she follows him into the city and begs him to marry her, he demeans her and throws her out.
She leaves after making a challenge that someday her son will come back to avenge his cruelty and ensure that he confesses his paternity to the world. Bharath promises her that he will definitely take up her challenge, and do whatever it takes to cut Gopinath down to size. The rest of this movie follows the clever tactics and ingenious ways Bharath employs to fulfill his mother's revenge against his father. Will Gopinath accept his mistake and claim Bharath as his son?
The film is a remake of the Hindi movie Trishul (1978), starring Amitabh Bachchan.
Mr.Bharath 1986
10 Jan 1986 ● Tamil ● 2 hrs 25 mins
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