This evocative romantic drama revolves around Krishna Murthy (Sivaji), an atheist who travels to Annavaram due to the insistence of his aunt (Rama Prabha). During the journey, he meets Sailaja (Laila), an extremely religious girl who wants to go to the USA for further studies. The reason for her trip to Annavaram is to pray for the blessings of Lord Satyanarayana at the temple.
Krishna Murthy and Sailaja happen to share the same Berth in the train. When they arrive at Annavaram, they are forced to share the same room as husband and wife (Mr. and Mrs Sailaja Krishna Murthy) due to the local room-allotment rules.
It is only after they separate that they realise their love for each other. Will they be able to find each other once more? What will destiny have in store for them?