This evocative relationship drama revolves around Bir (Dayahang Rai) and Bikram (Anoop Bikram Shahi) who are best friends since childhood, but they have very different personalities and ambitions in life. They get separated from each other, and Bir remains and uneducated labourer, while Bikram becomes a teacher with a degree in Kathmandu. Bikram loves Joon since childhood and has given Bir the responsibility of protecting her.
Later on, Bikram returns to see Bir in the village but they don't recognize each other. Joon (Deeya Pun) and Bir (Dayahang Rai) love each other but Bir doesn't express his feeling to Joon because he had promised Bikram he will keep Joon safe. However, Joon had forgotten everything about Bikram since he had left her when she was young.When Bikram arrives at the villages he decides to do something nice to get Joon and Bir together. In the process of bringing them together, Bikram is forced to behave like Bir's enemy, but he succeeds in his ultimate mission.
Just as the young lovers get together, Aaitey (Arpan Thapa), the wealthiest man in town comes into the picture. He wishes to possess Joon, but Joon doesn't like Aaitey. Aaitey he uses his wealth to bring infrastructure and road facility to the village, evoking great love and respect from the villagers.
Bir's mother suddenly dies and he is left distraught, as he doesn't have money for her funeral and the last rites ceremony. Pushed to desperation, he is forced to sell his beloved donkey.
Aaitey (Arpan Thapa) approaches Joon's father for an arranged marriage and although Joon is unwilling, her father accepts because of Aaitey wealth and social status. How will Joon and Bir react to this threat? Can they find a way to stay together and get married against all odds? Will Bikram return in time to save his friend?