This emotionally charged relationship drama revolves around Nanda Gopal (Sivaji), a talented and principled young man who works as an employee at JP corporation, one of the biggest business houses in India. He works as an accountant in their Hyderabad branch, while their headquarters is in Mumbai.
After the death of her father, Meghana (Bhumika Chawla) becomes the MD of his business operations. Nanda Gopal is married to a lovable and traditional girl Ratna Mala (Laya) for the past 5 years and they lead a happy family. Their family also consists of a small child, whom they adopted from an orphanage.
When Meghana visits Hyderabad branch for the first time, Nanda Gopal gets a chance to meet her. He tries to impress Meghana. In the process, he loses his job. Meghana tells him that she would test his ability in different ways and if he were to pass them she would make him the GM of the company.
Slowly Nanda Gopal realizes that she is playing mind games with him. At a critical juncture, she expresses the desire to marry him. She forces him to tie the knot with her even though he is happily married. Before Nanda Gopal realizes it, he finds himself under tremendous emotional strain and caught in a vortex that he has no control over. Why is Meghana is behaving like a psychopath? Why has she chosen to target Nanda Gopal?