This quirky comedy follows the twists and turns in the life of Madhavan, a petty thief who has a crush on Bhageerathan Pillai's daughter, Rugmini. Bhageerathan Pillai on the other hand considers him to be his arch rival.
Initially Rugmini also dislikes Madhavan, even devising a couple of clever plans with the motive of entrapping Madhavan, but in a fateful turn of events, they end up falling in love with each other. Then comes Eppan Pappachi, the new police Inspector who dislikes Madhavan very much and desires to possess Rugmini.
Then one day, the precious and revered idol of the village goddess disappears. Everyone suspects Madhavan, but (as usual) Madhavan is innocent. Madhavan is arrested, but he escapes and starts his secret investigation to identify the real culprits, only to discover a bigger conspiracy.