This evocative drama traces the life of an ambitious young man, Ajay Chandra (Amitabh Bachchan) who has big dreams for his future. He falls for a rich girl Moushumi. She falls for him as well. He pretends to be rich, to soothe his own ego and ensure that he doesn't disappoint his wealthy girl friends. He takes help from his friend for a suit, a car send a luxurious apartment, claiming all his own. Professionally, his desire is to start a galvanometer business by buying old ones and refurbishing them to workable ones with the help of A.K. Hangal.
Unfortunately the big cats try to buy him out but Amitabh doesn't budge. So, they buy A.k. Hangal by bribing him with money for his daughters wedding. This leads to a big failure for Amitabh, whose mother Lalita Pawar has to give the insurance money to her son to bail him. It still doesn't work and Amitabh is taken to court by Moushumi's father, a lawyer.
Lalita Pawar encourages her son to repair the galvanometers himself and when he falls short of money, sells her gold jewellery. The prosecutor withdraws the case as the galvanometers are now repaired. His friend also helps him with ten thousand rupees in disguise of an order. The dark clouds have dissipated and the future looks bright once more.