This thought-provoking tale revolves around Sundaram, an exceptionally talented tailor, who uses his special skills to deceive and cheat people. Being the only tailor in the entire village, he gets lots of work, but despite pressure from his assistant, Sitaramudu and Batala Satyam, the fabric vendor he refuses to do any work and prefers to lazily while away his time.
One day a soothsayer, (Rallapalli), tells Sundaram that he will become a rich person if he marries a woman with a mole on her thigh. In the process of discovering this woman, he flirts with many in the village and promises all of them that he would marry them.
In the end, everyone discovers the truth and Sundaram is made to realise, that in his foolish quest to find the lady with the mole, he has cheated and hurt many people. He then tries to atone for his crimes by first apologising to all the women he cheated and then by helping them marry the one who truly loved them. Will true love blossomed in his life as well? Will he realise the error of his ways and begin working to fulfill his highest potential?