Evocative and eloquent, this family-oriented romantic drama revolves around Ravi (Akkineni), a final year medical student at Visakhapatnam. His father Bhushaiah (Gummadi) is a straight man with traditional beliefs about the caste system.
Ravi falls in love with his classmate Saroja (Krishna Kumari). Saroja's mother is cheated by Chalapati. He accidentally meets her while stealing a necklace from Saroja. Bhushaiah is sentimental about Kulam (Caste) and Gotram and does not accept his love.
Ravi leaves the house and marries Saroja in a Temple. Ravi is posted as a police inspector in the same town. His nephew (Relangi) is arrested while gambling. Because of his father, he is unable to attend the marriage of his sister.
His mother dies of mental illness, which brings about a change in Bhushaiah. Ravi has a son, who attracts Bhushaiah to visit him secretly and even gifts him a gold chain. Chalapati attempts to rob the house of Bhushaiah and by Ravi. At the end Bhushaiah finally lets go of his narrow-minded beliefs and invites his son, daughter-in-law and grandson to his house.